We Need an Updated Manifesto, One Focussed on the Goal of a Radically-Democratic Eco-Communal World

Charles Posa McFadden and Karen Howell McFadden

The Green Social Democrat, Fall 2018

Why eco-communal? Eco-Communal specifies an equitable relationship between people engaged in a sustainable relationship with the rest of nature.

Why radically-democratic? Radically democratic emphasizes engagement in decision-making beyond the levels achievable within a capitalist (class-based) society, but necessary for a sustainable relationship with the rest of nature.

Our species is a communal one, characterized by sociality and altruism. For over 90% of our history, we lived by hunting and foraging within small communally organized and functioning groups, linked by clan relationships with others of our species, extending as far as entire continents. It has only been during the most recent geological period, the Holocene, that environmental conditions favoured larger settled communities often able to gather and store surplus resources.

Within many of these settled communities, class differentiation took place, freeing some members from the necessity of productive activity, in turn enabling development of knowledge and technology and hence the potential for gradual but unevenly shared advances in human welfare. This advantage, however, came with associated costs, especially to dispossessed classes and to the capacity of the immediate environment to sustain those living within it.

Class struggle and environmental disasters, limited in space and time, have characterized the history of human existence within class-divided societies. With the globalization of capitalism and the concentration of economic and political power no longer containable within nation-states, only a successful global movement to end capitalism and replace it with a viable alternative has the possibility of preventing environmental catastrophe and mutual destruction.

In our view, a radically-democratic eco-communal global order is the alternative direction for humanity.

Why global? Because there are no physical boundaries within the biosphere that can limit in space or time the influence of human activity (past, present and future) on the circulation of matter and energy within the Earth’s atmosphere and through its oceans and other waterways. And because there are no longer single nation-state governments or groups of governments with both the will and the authority to limit the economic effects of the private-for-profit transnational corporations that now dominate the global economy.

Is this a viable alternative to capitalism and are there feasible means to achieve it? Pro-capitalist nation-state governments license and maintain private-for-profit corporations, right up to the transnational behemoths that dominate the global economy. However, none of these nation-state governments can function without social license. Under present circumstances, including the existence of weapons of mass destruction, only a peaceful transition is viable, and only to a global order in which all nations and every person has a place.

So, what then must be the content of a radically-democratic eco-communal global order?

The new global order, in our view, must be:

  • Green = stewardship responsibilities and usufruct rights
  • Social = human rights as fundamental law
  • Democratic = democratic decision-making with respect to all matters that have consequential effects on human welfare and the natural environment, with the local level as the primary one (in a bottom-up form of democracy, the opposite of a top-down hierarchical form of decision-making)

This would be a classless society, brought into existence by the people themselves, motivated primarily by environmental concerns and communal aspirations, led by environmentalists and human rights activists and political movements and political parties dedicated to this outcome. The First Nations would play a leading role.

The model for the new global order is to be found from our history as a communal species and from our continuing communal practices and ongoing struggles to resume our original communal journey, unencumbered by class divisions, based on respect for the rest of nature as the source of our own existence and for each other as equal partners in this continuing journey.

Principles that can guide us in this journey include those identified by the Global Greens:

  • Ecological wisdom
  • Social justice
  • Participatory democracy
  • Nonviolence
  • Sustainability
  • Respect for diversity (c)

For a more comprehensive argument elaborating on this manifesto and placing it into historical perspective, see Towards a Green Social Democratic Alternative to Capitalism at www.greensocialdemocracy.org.


Now in our fourteenth year, this website was launched September 1, 2010 in response to the convergence of growing inequality within and between countries and a rapidly developing ecological catastrophe. After several years of further participation in the social justice, democratic and environmental movements of the people and discussions with many of our friends in these movements about draft essays we have posted to this website, we believe we now have a relatively brief, coherent set of eleven arguments that can serve as a basis for further discussion and development by those committed to taking action to reverse the neoliberal tidal wave and move forward to the achievement of an ecologically sustainable global civilization. These were completed by spring 2021. Our further arguments, including updates on our prior posted ones, can be found in the What's New Section which accompanies each page. - C&K McFadden

What's New

Winter 2024

Charles Posa McFadden with assistance from Karen Howell McFadden and Scott Cameron McFadden

The Path to an Ecologically Sustainable Future is that of Class Struggle

Summer - Fall 2023

Charles Posa McFadden with assistance from Karen Howell McFadden and Scott Cameron McFadden

Achieving an ecological civilization is the challenge before us. A knowledge of applicable empirically validated natural and social science laws is the key that opens the door.

Charles Posa McFadden with assistance from Karen Howell McFadden

An alternative to destruction by capitalism: The case for communism

Winter - Spring 2023

Charles Posa McFadden with assistance from Karen Howell McFadden and Scott Cameron McFadden

For a future beyond capitalism

1. A contemporary lens for addressing the existential crises we now face

2. For a future, we must end the systemic causes of destruction and waste

3. Meeting the urgent need for revolutionary political renewal

Fall 2022

C & K McFadden (Sept. 2022): Capitalism is genocide and ecocide

Winter 2022

C McFadden (Feb. 2022) For Canada: On Freedom - A response to the “Freedom” Convoy

C & K McFadden (Feb. 2022) For Canada: A House Divided

C & K McFadden (Jan. 2022): The Need for an Ecosocialist Revolutionary Movement

Fall 2021

C & K McFadden (Sept. 2021) For Canada:  For a future: Organize!

Winter 2020-21

C McFadden (Feb. 2021) How scarcity necessitates a more ecologically sustainable global community and digital technology makes that feasible

C&K McFadden (Dec. 2020) Can Greens avoid the pitfalls of capitalist electoral politics?

Spring 2020

C&K McFadden Canadian electoral politics and the global loss of legitimacy of the neoliberal project

Fall 2019

C&K McFadden Beyond Marx for a 21st Century Revolutionary Perspective

Spring 2019

C&K McFadden To Change the System, We Must Know the System!

Fall 2018 

C&K McFadden, we either escape the internal logic of capitalism or descend with it into barbarism

C&K McFadden, We Need an Updated Manifesto 

Don Fitz, Revolving Doors

C McFadden, The Greens Have It Right

Don Fitz, Is Nuclear Power a Solution to the Climate Crisis  


C&K McFadden (February 2022) A House Divided

C McFadden (February 2022) On Freedom - A response to the “Freedom” Convoy

C&K McFadden (September 2021) For a future: Organize!

David Gehl (2018), Fight Climate Change Not War

C&K McFadden (2018), It is time for Canada to do the right thing by its First Nations

George Hewison (2018)WINNIPEG 1919 & THE COLD WAR

George Hewison (2018)Art Manuel - "Unsettling Canada


Charles & Karen McFadden, An Historic Turning Point on the Journey to Recovery from Capitalism and its History of Colonialism: Reclaiming Wolastoq Ceremony

Charles McFadden, Decolonizing the U.S. & Canada: The People United for a More Just Sustainable Future


Charles McFadden Is Canada a force for good in the world, as many imagine? Review of Tyler Shipley (2020) Canada in the World: Settler capitalism and the colonial imagination

Karen and Charles McFaddenCan emergent early 21st century neo-fascism be defeated without coming to grips with late 20th century restructuring of capitalism into a global system Review of William I Robinson (2014) Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity

Karen and Charles McFaddenA Dominant Capitalism or a Sustainable Environment? Why we can't have both. Review of Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster (2011) What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism



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Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) applies to all work posted on this website except that which appears with authors whose last name is other than McFadden, in which case standard copyright should be assumed to apply.